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About yourmuminabagel

  • Birthday November 8

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  • Gamertag
    K ii 3 R Zz

yourmuminabagel's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Then how do you get it online? Or cant you?
  2. Ive Been trying to make a better looking GUI with the DevComponentsDotNetBar2.dll and i keep geting this error when i try to Debug it... http://i41.tinypic.com/3013doy.jpg Please help its really anoying me.
  3. ******* ******** its a bot and now i have to change all my ******* passwords your a ****
  4. how did you make it? cause it cant be your FIRST Program its wayy to good. its ever that or im realyyy **** at vb lol
  5. You Need Two Timers. Make them both enabled and change timer1's interval to 50. And change the fore colour of the label to black
  6. How to make a label flash different colours in VB 2008. Coded by K ii 3 R Zz. Insert 2 Timers and 1 label. change timer1's interval to 50 and set it as enabled and timer2's interval to 100 and set it as enabled Make the labels Forecolor to Black <----- Very Important! Now Double Click Timer1 And Type In This Code: If Label1.ForeColor = Color.Black Then Label1.ForeColor = Color.Blue ElseIf Label1.ForeColor = Color.Blue Then Label1.ForeColor = Color.Red ElseIf Label1.ForeColor = Color.Red Then Label1.ForeColor = Color.Green ElseIf Label1.ForeColor = Color.Green Then Label1.ForeColor = Color.Yellow ElseIf Label1.ForeColor = Color.Yellow Then Label1.ForeColor = Color.Black End If Now Double Click Timer2 And Type In This Code: if Label1.Visible = True Then Label1.Visible = False ElseIf Label1.Visible = False Then Label1.Visible = True End If Hope You Enjoy!
  7. we r stuk with slip?
  8. dont worry, i was on about the IDA, i 4got wat itwas, i find it easier using that program. beter interface
  9. yourmuminabagel

    cod4 xex

    hi, ive got the cod4 xex, but how do i view it, i used to have it on my old laptop but i 4got wat its called. can any1 help me thanks
  10. ummmmmm ha ha ha?
  11. ive been trying since 2 days ago and have goten no where does any one know how to do it and could you tell me please? i would be greatful
  12. nice job man! cant wait till i get the maps!
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