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Everything posted by alleex

  1. Just look it up on google. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=SQ ... 4+%5D+1146 Lulz
  2. ok ty
  3. Ok this is going to be hard to explain... Ok i was skinning halo 2 (using dothalo ect) under bitmap... some of the things ask for mainmenu.map, and or shared.map. If i use these and skin the map farther will i be able to let other people use my mods, or will they have to have the same shared.map and mainmenu.map i modded with. Please let me know if this makes no sense... that was hard to write! ps:i accidently wrote single_player_shared.map but i ment just shared.map
  4. Im in
  5. I have a ds itf pretty fun. When you get really bored and have nothing to do its great.
  6. alleex

    halo 2 on HD

    im doing it all right... but still...grrr
  7. alleex

    halo 2 on HD

    ok i put halo 2 on my HD on my modded xbox and everytime i try to load it up it says THE DISK IS DIRTY OR DAMAGED. does anyone know how to fix this???
  8. hey just take all the files exept the single player maps. that way they all fit. let me know if that workz lol
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