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About ciledog

ciledog's Achievements


Recruit (1/44)



  1. So can i join?
  2. ciledog

    Ciledog here

    Hey guys this is ciledog proud leader of Monster Glitchers and I'd like to stay here. PEACE!
  3. Here's a map that i made,it's a zombie map. Link to map A lone flying fortress sits in the middle of the map but watch out since the zombies can catch you up there. A mancannon is at the end of the flying fortress,it takes you to what me and my friend call "The Tree of Life" a teleporter sits at the tree o' life it takes you to a safe place there you can go to yet another teleporter that teleporter takes you to a mongoose where you drive over a mancannon which blasts you back onto the fortress. Pictures: Fortress Tree of life on left,Zombie cage on right
  4. hey can I join? I know im new here but i'm a captain grade 2 and know most of the glitches(about 75%) Edit:My gamertag is Ciledog
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