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Everything posted by deadcanadian

  1. simple save i made on my dev after finding out that coordinates save. if you get out however the seat position resets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVWCltkncvc change your mac address to AAAAAAAAAAAA Account: http://www.mediafire.com/?1zthykmbtfm Save: http://www.mediafire.com/?zl3jvmizvrz
  2. doob made them on his dev quite awhile ago. and he hid all his ID's
  3. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1dnznynwgmk http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gyajivojz3m http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nmkynyeoyln http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?knxzdywmroy
  4. no, 2 reasons 1.the personal file only loads when in single player 2.doob made the accounts to be offline
  5. theres differant types of mp4 from what i know. all the downloaders download in the wrong format. i think youll be best of the download it in a highquality format then convert it to ipod mp4
  6. cant, when you load in AI it loads up your normal weapons and im pretty sure that the turrets are run through AI like the scarab turrets so you would have no control. just like when i was the scarab or had the scarab turret on the back of a warthog
  7. doob had already been making saves befor that topic was even released to that has no relation. i know doob could make saves befor then cause i have a few
  8. doob would have to make you a save. cause i dont have a dev
  9. this is a save that doob e snack made to let me drive the scarab http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9XpzgblNKo
  10. yea, it was supposed to be released when my friend finished his map but he stopped modding. something happened when i uploaded it to youtube
  11. i could do it myself except i dont have any gold ATM so if i did i wouldnt be able to get it to you
  12. the elephant has its own gravity pretty much, almost any object placed in its "central box" of the elephant will make the spawn move with it. like the spawn points, mongoose and turret thats on it normally. the box is almost a perfect cube around the elephant but it doesnt reach the very bottom or top of the ele. like it stays just below the top of the crane. some objects like weapon holders have a tendancy to not click to the box. for the sides the box covers everything that you can see. so if you flip the ele and place something there it will stay. for the walls i would recommend just putting turrets on the sides, back and front. but for the sides i would recomment you put the ele on its side and plave the turret in the middle on it. then using a program like forge 2.5 rotate it so its standing strait up.
  13. that would only be the warthogs placement. i want to know where to move them so the truck has lights.
  14. hey halodude, do you think you can put the co-ordinates for where to move the lights
  15. its cause there was a brute and hunter gamesave given out
  16. projectile swaps wouldnt work. only certain things will save and thats what bipd is loaded, any vehicles or weapons that have been loaded, and co-ordinates of stuff.
  17. Guardrail http://www.bungie.net/images/News/WeeklyUpdate/H3_DLC_Foundry_inline.jpg Made by canadian halo Post written up by deadcanadian of iBotModz.net Features: - map set up for infection - large base made out of wall A's - ammo and weapons put around the map for gameplay Video first minute is the map unmodded & the last 4 minutes are black http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGBTilwa1Nk Download Bungie.net download Note: All these mods are discouraged by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will be banned for hosting them in a fileshare, or yet putting them on xbox live, iBotModz staff encourages people to keep mods offline or on a closed network (LAN). Posted by "deadcanadian of iBotModz.net
  18. na, im on the site alot i just dont post unless i find something accualy worth it
  19. if you use superaisons coniliation you should be able to find it. it sorts all con files on your comp by game, and for halo it shows you the name of every files ciniliation.rar when you open it go to the conilator tab and click get con, it takes abit to scan if you have alot of files but will show all on your comp after
  20. i could be wrong but this is something i heard awhile ago from a friend who had one of the first saves. from what i know the mods wont work online when you play the save, you have to clear your cache and play them offline for them to work, just like for GOW2 modding the mods only show when the cache is cleared and your offline. i cant test this myself as my xbox broke
  21. this is a map that i made awhile ago on assembly while testing out some of the objects and i managed to make it into a great slayer map. you can use it with any infection gametype you want(preferably ones where the zombies have a decent ammount of health and have the gravity at around 75% or higher so they cant just jump into the base easily. download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=72483677 it has a three floored base on it that the humans try to defend from the zombies. at the beggining you start in the bottom lever and you spread out from there. there is a sword in the bottom floor.(you crouch onto the small ledge and go onto a barrier where you can jump up later). there is a majority of the weapons in the second floor, mainly consisting of BR's for basic defense. it also contains a rocket launcher with limited ammo. and don the top floor there is a brute shot and sniper. all weapons are properly set to spawn after a certain amount of time to prevent over use for certain ones. http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/4553/scarab2.jpg http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/3002/scarab6.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/5054/scarab5.jpg http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/7958/scarab4.jpg http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4163/scarab3.jpg
  22. account was hacked for this post
  23. ive talked to anth0ny and he said you can control the pelican if you character is set the the pilot but it doesnt have accuall flying tactice so if you try to fly you will barely move and just continue partly on its normal path
  24. i put it on youtube if you want to see it without downloading(i dont know how to embed) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihJSsiXBXZM
  25. i only chose some of the first maps, mainly the truely first
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