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Everything posted by NeoBatWare

  1. http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/fhfrxradoegzleernby5ra2.jpg
  2. http://www.olavsplates.com/foto_p/pl_wyd2194.jpg
  3. Bump. Cool topic.
  4. Happy birthday fattwam!
  5. Same here. Welcome back!
  6. quit being an asshole
  7. Well seeing as Nintendo has already stated that they will be unveiling their new Wii successor, I'd say there will be a ton of hype surrounding it followed by utter disappointment when the crowd sees the possible games for it all involve kittens or little princesses...
  8. *edit* Amen dude, its a great game
  9. As of today my favorite movies are... -Lord of the Rings (all of them) -Harry Potter (all of them ) -True Grit -The King's Speech -The Hurt Locker -Forgetting Sarah Marshall -Die Hard (only the first one) -Gladiator -Wall-E These are all that I can think of at the time. You'll notice a wide variety of movies, that's because I like a ton of different genres except for horror.
  10. Hey welcome to the site!
  11. Banned for having all the power.
  12. Banned for joining on November 26
  13. Banned for starting a forum game!
  14. Yeah the old Gorons seemed a bit nicer. In Twilight Princess they all seemed a little off. But I gave up on finding all of the poes completely. I hated doing it as a wolf so much that I just avoided poes as much as possible...which made the Arbiter's Grounds Temple a pain in the butt.
  15. What bugs are you talking about? So far the game works great for me. Fine frame rate, no slow rendering speeds, nothing glitches. And I find that biotics work just fine. Warp still does damage to armor and things like that all still work the same as they did before.
  16. So they took off .25 because of the optional planet mining and because the final boss looks bad? That's a bit silly in my opinion but whatever.
  17. I'm sorry guys but can't we all stop simply stating what is wrong with the sig? 6 word responses listing off the negatives and comparing it to others you've seen isn't the way to go about it. If you want him to get better you have to actually provide constructive criticism, not bash him. Tell him what's wrong and how to improve. Just pointing out the flaws in 6 words won't get him anywhere. Ok so we know that the sun effect and text aren't good, but what could he have done instead to fix these problems? The best sig makers on the site need to be the most helpful too, not the biggest trolls. If you're so amazing at making tags then clearly you have a lot of information and taking a bit of time to share that knowledge with someone will help them vastly. Remember--you weren't always where you are today.
  18. There's a good flow to the sig as the background give it some movement so kudos for that! However, in my opinion, the render blends in too much. Everything is a similar colour. Maybe this was what you were going for, but in my opinion, it detracts from the signature. Next time try to make the render stand out a little more from the background. By not using quite as many brushes and such on top of the render, you will create depth and layer to your piece. Pargy is right in saying that the sun effect doesn't look very good. If you want to create light, try using a 300 pixel circular brush that fades as it extends out (I hope you understand what I'm talking about because that probably didn't describe it very well). Set the brush to white and brush on the outskirts of where you want the light to shine down on. Be careful as too much light can make it look bad! Use a Gradient Map or something of the sort on top of the layer with your light to make the colour of the light fit in with the rest of the colors of the sig (unless white does fit in), and....BAM! Good insta-lighting! As for the text, well that's just something that people have to pick up on their own (heck, I'm still trying to figure it out!). Good Luck! PS I know you said that this was a simply gift you made in 5 minutes, but hopefully these tips will help on any sig you make in the future!
  19. Of course it was set up, this is a custom match with two people in it. If you look at the bottom-left you can see the game type is Free-for-All and the player has a score of 1200 compared to the second highest player's score of 0. This is proof that it was simply the one guy killing the other 24 times while keeping his care package so that he could get the 25th buy having it land on his friend who was completely aware of what was going on. Plus you can see that the care package gives him ammo, the nuke is his actual killstreak. But probably when you said that it was "Proof you CAN get it" you were being sarcastic so right now I look a bit silly taking all of this so seriously
  20. NeoBatWare


    I like both mac's and PC's because they're both smexeh in their own ways, but I really hope that this thread doesn't turn into a Mac vs PC flame war. That is one nice set up you've got there. Rockin the pikmin theme! That mac is very, very attractive.
  21. 1. It's "DLC", not "LDC". Additionally, "you" is not spelled with a "7". 2. Dragon Age Origins was released in November of last year. However if you read their press releases they state clearly that they have DLC in production and are finishing it up. The thing is, they released that information in August, months before the actual game's release. Two videos showing gameplay of the DLC were released in October, still one month before the actual game's release. Then the developers released 2 DLC expansions--The Warden's Keep, and The Stone Prisoner BOTH on the SAME DAY AS THE GAME'S RELEASE (November 3rd)! UPDATE: It has also just been announced that Mass Effect 2 will have DLC available for download on the same day as its release this Tuesday. I don't know if it will be free or not but I should hope it would be. 3. I'm not saying they shouldn't charge. I am just stating that the cost is overpriced most of the time and should be better set to a more reasonable price depending on the content of the DLC. Additionally, I am simply stating that it is silly for the developers to be showing off gameplay of their DLC before the initial release. Why does the consumer have to pay for something that the developers could have easily included in the game and should have. But if the developers wanted to add something to the game, but merely didn't have time to finish it before the game's release, why not simply release the content they wanted to ship with the game a few weeks later and for free? DLC is great. It expands the lifespan of games and shows the developers want to please the consumer. I simply wish that they would handle DLC properly and not screw the consumer.
  22. Alright so I understand that you can just get everything you need illegally for free, but what this is all really about is that it's a barking mental that all these companies are developing DLC while still developing the actual game! Many companies are saying that they've already got their DLC planned out and developed before the game is even out and it's costing the average consumer more money when they're already paying $60 for the game in the first place. But yeah, that's pretty me on a soap box.
  23. I like the new render, It looks...smoother.
  24. Thank you for the tips. Actually this is the first sig I've ever done in this style. A while back I posted a few of my other sigs on the site but that was some time ago. Yeah, text has never been a strong point for me, but I'll keep practicing!
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