That "big ship" Is called a Frigate just for your info, And anyways he could'nt find the code becuase there are no textures.. if you have lag switch and get ot it you will fall right threw it... and plus i think its part of the actual map
Just keeping this topic alive he Is selling all maps for 800 MS or just one for 500 Ms so if you wanna buy em go ahead, I'm not Because its been offficaly said by FTF AOTS he's releasing them in a couple of weeks. AND When thats done its when dakhaosguy is making maps with his risigner (SOLIIIID) and hes gonna make good better maps then any of them have done and hes not gonna be greedy (I hope) and keep em.
Saintsrule is attention seeking he hasnt played the maps because if he did he would be boasting about it... God Sake why do poeple have to lie to think there great..
I just heard from FTF AOTS that he's considering to "Leak" The maps.. I dont know if he's just lying and being a dumbass or telling the truth.. But if he does well erm Yay? it will shut the noobs up, but dont think he's definate because i dont know if he actually is.. ill keep you informed...
I need the snowbound mod with shade turrets in and also the *The Pit V2* or rats nest. if anyone can give me then without MFone trying to steal 1600 ms pints of me (another story) i dont want to buy them i want you guys to be a good community and give them because honestly ive always wanted to fly a halo 3 pelican. if you could well then just please ty also tell me the name of the guy so i can download em ty