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Everything posted by blbassi

  1. the only signed file is the 44kb file in the root of the installed game (which is a con). the data files are just a jumbled bunch of game data that will be hard-impossible to sort out. but they are not signed with rsa...
  2. blbassi

    GTA IV Modding?

    not without a devkit right now..maybe when the new dashboard get released you can
  3. blbassi


    its not hard to hex edit files into con files, so that is not the problem. oblivion addons are stored in "live" files, NOT con files. two totally different things. I tried injecting mods into con files because we can resign them, and it did not work, as expected. so i would not count on mods until someone cracks and releases a "live" resigner...you should probably focus on save editing as those are stored in con files and can be resigned. also converting xbox 360 to pc are easy..ive done it, but pc to xbox is another story..due to the signatures edit: pc to xbox gamesaves should be easy pc to xbox mods should be impossible atm
  4. blbassi


    well we wont be able to do it unless we get a live resigner.... unless we figure out a work around or hack m$ oblivion modding looks grim
  5. blbassi


    you dont need to mod the disk, all you need is the DLC which contains esp files. You can extract those files, edit them and then put them back in. the largest problem is properly rehashing, and figuring out what the hash value the name of the file is... and here is a link the the construction set http://www.fileshack.com/file.x/8544/Elder...ion+Set+1.2.404
  6. blbassi


    ill also help, i've done a bit of my own research on oblivion modding awhile ago but never got real far... add me on xbl and we can chat- gt: x blbassi x
  7. what software do you need from the site?
  8. haxalots rehasher sucks for anything but forge mods..he is missing alot of offsets.
  9. i was just showing where your armor choice is located in your profile file... and this is not a screenshot file^
  10. here is where your armor is located in your profile, youll just need to rehash and resign it correctly. Search your Tag with a hex editor, be sure to check unicode. (this is a profile file, not a screenshot or movie)
  11. i bet if you asked them instead of making facts up, theyd be happy to tell you they did not.
  12. Pelican Valley Yet another blocked off valhalla Made by blbassi Post written up by blbassi of iBotModz.net Features: -Invis Walls -Clones outside playing area -water falls -1 Flag -2 Turrets -2 Seperate "bases" which are accessed through the teleporters in the center of the map -Playable (CTF, Slayer, Assualt) Pictures Video NONE Download Mirror 1, Bungie.net Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. blbassi of iBotModz.net
  13. valhalla
  14. what is the tag called for the orb lights?
  15. exept it wasnt because i made it yesterday...
  16. Battle Creek 2c Made by x blbassi x Post written up by blbassi of iBotModz.net Features: -Invis walls -clones outside map -playable (slayer, ctf, assault) Bugs -possible to get outside invis walls although tough Pictures Video none Download Mirror 1, Bungie.net Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun. blbassi of iBotModz.net
  17. Bunker Wars This is my first mod...which is Valhalla, with most of it blocked off with tree walls and teleporters in both bases, which are also sealed. The teleporters lead to a main area where most of the fighting is suppose to occur. Features Lots of trees Some clones off of the fighting area Fake swords and real ones Plenty of weapons Pictures Download http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=42294291
  18. blbassi

    invis walls

    ive seen a few people add invisible walls that you can shoot through on maps so i was wondering was tag it was or what it would be under
  19. ill join..i got a resigner and stuff gamertag: x blbassi x
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