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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Could be malware. Or it could be that you have "4mb of RAM". I sure as hope you meant GB.
  2. I vouch for Az's smarts. I also don't know the seller, so there is no way in hell I would recommend this.
  3. Too much work. I'll try on the weekend, I've never used any of these third party apps.
  4. Quinn

    Zalman ftw?

    ...thats a heatsink... And its a full ATX motherboard...
  5. I hope you have an endless supply of KVs.
  6. Quinn

    Zalman ftw?

    http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/zavagnqu/0510102110a.jpg http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq4/zavagnqu/0510102109a.jpg Its big, and cool. This was mainly posted for the user connorss, who wanted to see it. For size comparison, thats a Radeon 5770 next to it.
  7. I don't have street view, apparently the country is not a priority. Anyways, this is a satillite view of my place and proporty. The edges of the land are marked with red lines. Notice the scale, this is what 100 acres looks like
  8. My Original xbox has an eeprom error, and I have no desire to spend more time/money trying to fix it than I already have. My 360 is console banned and modded, so yeah....
  9. Hey EA, **** YOU. If I buy a game, I buy it used. They are just a failfest right now, C&C 4 isn't that great, and you "need" to be online to play it (fixed quite easily with a crack) They piss me off, thats one company I would never work for.
  10. I think I used to have 1, in ancient times. I think it was for warning users not to click a link that some noob was spamming in the shoutbox. Slip banned me for 7 days for posting the link in the topic.
  11. I think most 360 graphics suck. But I guess thats just me. But mind you, I play games like Fallout 3 with over 10 gigs of textures replaced.
  12. Quinn

    lol only once

  13. Quinn


    never mind ******* with him, I wouldn't want to drive near that psycho.
  14. FAKE AND GAY! jk But seriously, that game would pwn.
  15. Quinn


    You should be alright as long as you stay offline. If you want, you can bring your computer back online and I can attempt to fix it via Teamviewer.
  16. Quinn

    Happy 4/20

    A couple of problems with this post. 1st. Large bump, couldn't it have waited till next year? 2nd. You couldn't afford it 3rd. Nou.
  17. Quinn


    Google.com kk fine... http://www.safer-networking.org/index2.html
  18. unnecessary spam is unnecessary.
  19. It was for a while, then other games overtook it. Like Fallout 3
  20. I am Quinn, and I approve this message. I'm strongly opposed against cheating/glitching in online play.
  21. Quinn

    What's this?

  22. Yeah they will... You are only one of millions remember that. Your 6 year gold membership is only $360. Thats not much.
  23. Quinn

    What's this?

    You know Peaches, you could always just announce new features
  24. He has a netbook and a Mac.
  25. Quinn


    Really? I've never seen it done, they may be ISO mods though?
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