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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Lucky you, the eeprom reader I bought way back never worked. I tried to contact the guy who sold it to me, never got a reply. It actually fried one of my xboxs D:
  2. Meh. I think Valve should have stayed on the PC.
  3. It goes to your facebook page. Just btw.
  4. Antec 900. Nice and cool case, and decently cheap. Phenom II for a good, cheap CPU, I7 for top of the line performance. DDR3 RAM, I'm not going into brand/speed, it doesn't matter much. Brand name motherboard, stay away from Foxconn and other cheap boards. Graphics is all a matter of opinion really. Btw, you aren't going to be gaming on a Radeon 5450. I wrote this really quick, my dinners getting cold.
  5. @jdm, good.
    1. jmdalmighty


      Someone will find a way around it if and when a new rebooter is released
    2. Lockon


      M$ aren't stupid the 3rd time around so it will be done and gone.
    3. jmdalmighty


      Nop they can't stop it no security on a jtag what so ever you just need one smart person to make a new rebooter one gready to sell the smart persons work and eventually it will lead to a release
  6. ^This^ Modding online just pisses people off, unless its in a custom game and everyone playing knows about it.
  7. To start, you need a JTAG.
  8. The title of the topic is misleading, I thought that we were looking for connorss' dick.
  9. Quinn

    My new Jtag

    O_o, more like insulators. You can buy small passive heatsinks from any number of online retailers, I would think they would do a far better job.
  10. ...Why would you want VOIP for a 360?
  11. Not meaning to fire up a shitstorm here, but its also possible the Chinese made landfall in north america.
  12. Quinn

    My new Jtag

    O_o..... are those like, little sticky pads on some parts?
  13. You aren't even 100% sure if your working there yet...?
  14. O_o $100 a year for xbox live My Head Aspoded
  15. Last Day of the Neon Desktop. After this we head into September, and back to school. Expect a nice clean cut theme for next time http://a.imageshack.us/img38/7203/desktop31st.png
  16. Quinn

    Torrents Slow?

  17. I'm glad I got console banned, as I no longer have to buy Live
  18. Quinn

    Torrents Slow?

    Meh. Try premium accounts on any number of sites, your connection will be maxed out.
  19. Quinn


    I'ma getting better, still feel like a piece of Bill Clinton's shit in the middle of the desert though. (I have Salmonella, a type of food poisoning)
  20. Quinn


    Testicles. You know someone was gonna say it, might as well be me.
  21. Quinn


    Got a bad fever. Probably won't be on for a while
  22. CANADA
  23. Quinn

    Xbox fix

  24. My god, I go away for a while and Connor and Grunt start to compete. I'll look at it, save you $100 off of what Connor recommends. (trust me, I did it last time ) Rate my rig? Kinda in my sig, but I'm grabbing an antec 1200 and 2 GTX 460s at the end of the month. Time to OC those babys to the limit, amirite?
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