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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Quinn

    Ban game

    Banned for having an iPhone, while I do not.
  2. tsk tsk tsk. Your running a CPU, motherboard, hard drive, and if you really want to be technical, you are running a video card and sound card, although integrated, they still use power enough. Jesus, my desktop CPU would overload that psu alone
  3. A 120w may not cut it. I tried to look up that mobo, found nothing. Is is an oem? What CPU? I tried to build a similar system, ran it through a psu calculator, and got 141w.
  4. First. Hello Eli!
  5. shock with a side dish of death D:
  6. I've taken apart a few, and can safely say, they really don't get any smaller when out of the case. I wonder, original xboxs had a small power board. It might be worth looking into to see how many watts it puts out.
  7. Quinn

    Decent Round...

    @Black, I'm not sure its the same thing. I have to enter my game via console (map mp_havoc), not via menu
  8. Quinn

    Decent Round...

    I wasn't in combat training. I might have a copy of Black Ops that might be disabled from going online so I might have found an alternate version of the multiplayer program that was able to play TDM with bots offline... Maybe...
  9. Me vs Veteran bots. Needless to say, they got pwned. Sad part was, all I used the whole round was a PSG-1 and a CZ-75. http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/6306/mehdk.png
  10. I would like to shake his hand.
  11. I do hope thats not from experience?
  12. What about us Canadian Gamers?
  13. I actually took the time to read the whole thing this time.
  14. Quinn

    Ban game

    Double banned for having 5770 posts. I loved that little graphics card ;( Banned because you posted before I did.
  15. Quinn

    Ban game

    Whole board banned for an outstanding population of illiterate members.
  16. Correction, what I meant was, they are unsafe to use for a longer period of time. And yes, it is a waste of money, unless your trying to break a world record.
  17. Quinn

    Ban game

    Banned for being a grunt. Further banned for misspelling banned.
  18. Liquid Nitrogen and Helium are both, well, dumb. They are generally unsafe to use over any period of time, and both are hard to find (at least for the average person). Look up phase change cooling, its what I want to do as my next project.
  19. Quinn

    Ban game

    Banned for having misinformation. I did in fact observe it, but did not know so until a later time.
  20. Quinn

    Ban game

    Banned for thinking we give a shit.
  21. I saw it driving home last night. I thought nothing of it?
  22. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835213001&cm_re=delta-_-35-213-001-_-Product This will solve all of your heating problems. It has unmatched airflow. The only problem is, it has a tendency to destroy your eardrums.
  23. Quinn

    Ban game

    Banned for thinking we give a shit
  24. Quinn

    Ban game

    Banned because I felt like it. Yeah, I'm that ******* AWESOME
  25. Could mean its dying. My xbox wasn't on for a month, and I fired it up to play Reach when it came out, a few seconds into the intro and it got e74.
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