@Peaches and any other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
Basically, they are doing what they did (or Obsidian did) with New Vegas, and incorporating some of the most popular (non adult) PC mods from TES 4 (or in NV's case, Fallout 3) into the base game.
This better be really ******* epic, cause the hype is crazy. And if it doesn't have DX11 support I'm going to take a massive shit on Bethesda's office.
Too much money And also, Nvidia are assholes and you can only do 2 displays per card (It was so that people would have to SLI for Surround gaming) And I doubt we have the same monitor, just the same resolution? Hahaha, no ---- On an unrelated note, I think I'm buying an extra 8gb of RAM, my current 4 just isn't cutting it for more hardcore gaming.
... WC = Water cooler And thats a vapor chamber hs, same thing thats on the 580. I don't think I'll be buying water cooling any time soon, too much money for me.
Meh. These babys get hot, after having a Crysis marathon (everything maxed), the inside GPU hit a max of 94' C, and the outside one hit a max of 79' C. The performance however, is incredible, Crysis was running a solid 60 throughout the whole time!
http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/1900/screenyyt.png Getting SLI to work was really not that hard tbh. My second card gave me some trouble getting drivers installed for it, but it ended well. Benchmarks soon. Just to clarify for anyone who has no clue whats going on here, SLI and crossfire are technologies that allow multiple graphics cards to work together for a higher framerate (FPS). Nvidia uses SLI, and AMD/ATi uses crossfire. I have a motherboard that allows for crossfire, but not SLI. There is however a program out there that allows you to enable the use of SLI on a crossfire motherboard. Basically how it works is it changes the way the system sees your chipset, and fools it into thinking that your motherboard is SLI certified.