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About Flamero

Flamero's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Play it, good for rainy days. @Modder, I thought you said you were leaving! Now back to the topic. Look at the difference in quality between RS and WoW. RS is using shitty 3d java based graphics, I consider it a Shitmo, a MMO that's s***. Hell, Maplestory is WAY better than RS, and I hate MS. WoW, you're getting your moneys worth for it, and if you play on a private server, you don't have to play, I can get a download for ya for free, the full version too.
  2. Bump, need a working pass and username for it.
  3. It's awesome, on Retail, PvP is good, but on Private servers like WoWBlaze, it's awesome. You have 4 different battlegrounds (Different game types like terrotories, CTF, supply gathering, etc.) Classes are deep, for each class, you have 3 different talent trees, like for a Hunter, they are beast mastery (Pet damage) Marksmanship (Ranged damage) and Survival (Traps, HP, and Power, improved "Aspects of", which give you better stats) Each tree with make you more powerful in one field more so than the other fields. I sugguest a Blizzlike server to get a feel of retail, then try a funserver.
  4. In this tutorial, I will be explaining how to download, install, and connect to a sandbox server for WotLK's Alpha so you can play as a Deathknight. Links have been scanned before hand (not by me, by an MMOwned admin). Step one: Make sure your Regular WoW client is patched to the most current update. Step Two: Goto http://frostmourne-gaming.com/wotlk/cli ... loader.exe for US, http://frostmourne-gaming.com/wotlk/cli ... loader.exe if you're using the EU client, http://frostmourne-gaming.com/wotlk/cli ... loader.exe for the German client, and http://frostmourne-gaming.com/wotlk/cli ... loader.exe for the French Client. Step three: Let it download, it's a totally seprate client so you can play retail and/or private servers. The file is 2.44Gb, it took like 6 hours on a 100kbs connection. And then you have a smaller patch, like 100mb or so. Step four: Install. After installion open a web browser. Step Four: Sign up for a private alpha server. (I sugguest wotlk.podzone.neteven though it is down a lot, yet it has no lag. The site is the address for the realmlist, go into your WotLK-F&F-[client type here] folder in Program Files, look for a file named Realmlist.wtf. Open this file and copy wotlk.podzone.net and paste it over the top one. Now it should look like set realmlist wotlk.podzone.net. Now save the file. Run the client and login. You should be able to play as a Deathknight (giant axe on character creation screen) now. Happy exploring!
  5. Works great! Got rid of all my viruses in 15 minutes, I had ones Norton didn't tell me about.
  6. 969 My number owns
  7. I bet your Wii feels neglected that you dont work on it xD Nice job though.
  8. That's the free ten day trial. If you like it, buy it, but when you do, I get a free month of WoW.
  9. You hate WoW, yet you play RS. Wow. <!-- s:shock: --><!-- s:shock: -->
  10. Okay guys. My Email switch is still taking place but I guess I can try.
  11. I will be providing free WoW 10-day guest passes, 5 at a time. Just PM me with your Email. If you buy a month or more of time I get a free month. Anyone that helps me is AWESOME!
  12. Flamero


    To any WoW players with a giving heart: Anyone mind casting Scroll of Resurrection , just post here and I'll try logging on, I will give you my email in a PM Edit-Will it work if I already have BC? I just need to talk to my Guild Leader. I haven't played since feb. 19
  13. I wish I could dance like those guys
  14. Well, to preoccupied with GTA IV to look for it, so what page is it on?
  15. Do they have any CD cracks for Halo PC?
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