Buddah we both know that everyone here thinks your good cus they all suck thats why u post gfx here because your tired of getting shot down on other sites , your ok but your not going to be good till u stop posting here
Im going to tell u guys the guy i know who has recon said he hacked bungie like literally thats how bad ass he is he hacked bungie and changed his service record to revon i think but im not sure
Everybody stop saying stuff like impossable or no way nothing is impossible the reason i posted this is because i no someone who hacked recon official and he has not done one thing to earn ait and hes no bungie employee
Ok now dont start posting stuff saying yer $%#^%# retarded , get off the site, ok no just think about it ok well i was changing account so i thought and said that yer service record must be on your account instead of your disk since every time u channnnnnge your account your have different armor so i thought to my self saying shouldnt you be able to mod service records EVEN if it has to be offline now im not talking about DEV KITS im taling online modding but just give it some thought and give me an idea how this can be done and NO BAD COMMENTS
ok its not the key vaults this time ill mod my film and when i try to play it it will load and as its showing the scoreboard it says error trying to play film and NOthe file is not currupt
k my xplorer 360 use to always work but now when i open it up and open up my hardrive in xplorer it says invalid file size 168 in cluster blah blah and it only comes up with partion 1 what do i do
ok im using export 360 ive modded maps and screenshots but every time i try to extract my films to my desktop it say cannot find source or disk and i have no ideae wat to do please help
http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15876-642.gif LOVE IT!!!!!! 1/10 Version 1 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15876-643.gif