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Everything posted by Leon

  1. How long is left on the account? and whats the actual gamertag?
  2. I've got them extracted on my HDD (deadlock.map, mainmenu.map, riverworld.map, shared.map, snowbound.map), Just that the modding programs wont open them >.< I only want to check for map differences, a hex editor wont say much as its obvious they've changed the map that deep in Also its too bad that you can't play the beta anymore, I like playing betas Leon
  3. I take it that your PSP hasn't got custom firmware? If its a fat one (Got a IrDA port) then you can use a pandoras battery, you can buy them off ebay (make sure they have a magic memory stick with them) If tis a slim one (Hasn't got IrDA) then I'm not sure If you have custom firmware you can make the pandoras battery + memory stick yourself, loads of tutorials on how to do it and loads of GUI frontends Or you could just ask a friend with Custom Firmware to do it for you. But you might want to buy a spare battery for it. Leon
  4. You might want to watch who is selling it to you, If MS find out where you live, They can arrest you for theft since it is they're dev console (At least I think they can) And you still won't be able to play on XBL, only some gay devkit connection thing
  5. Is it possible to open the Beta maps in Engineer / Johnson? Since I have them on my harddrive and tried to open them with Johnson and it said it isn't a Halo 3 map, Is there a way to hex the map so it looks like a H3 final map? (Engineer don't work, vista 64bit eh?) Edit: Got Engineer to work, Complains of an Index being out of range (Parameter Name: startIndex) Thanks Leon
  6. I can test for you Gamertag: Lucknut
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