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Everything posted by Shadow07

  1. When people play these mappacks on xlink kai do they do it with the autoupdate activated or deactivated? Just wondering if I need to patch all my mappack .xbes or not.
  2. Well I'm glad there's someone like you out there that still cares about this stuff. I've been trying to find the allied mappack for over a year now at this point lol.
  3. Man I love aurora. It just feels good to scroll through all those covers. It was a pain to set up though. I probably spend more time “curating†my game library in my 360 than actually playing games these days lol. Yeah I tried every .xbe or “ai in mp†patch I could find but always locked up on the main menu. I downloaded the mimesis reborn pack last night. I’ll load it up today. I left the community around the time mimesis was getting going so it’ll be fun to visit all those maps I missed out on.
  4. Dude this rocks. I've been trying to get the ai revision pack to work on my 360 for over a year now. I'm going to download all of these and give them a try. EDIT: 360 version works like a charm. Does anyone have any covers for these mappacks?
  5. Would love if someone followed up here.
  6. I've tried the xbe patch on my 360 and can confirm that it doesn't work. I sill get freezes. I'm trying to load it without any updates and that may be an issue as well so I've been told. Anyone ever get this mappack successfully running on a 360?
  7. Hey this is my tut! I know it's a bump but it's cool seeing it here lol. This reminds me, I need to go grab my old sig from the halomods archive and add it here.
  8. Does anyone have the cover and the intro video for this? Trying to install it on my RGH
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