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Everything posted by sokom64

  1. Ok so, i download the pack from here and, follow all the steps from the txt file to make the game work and im stuck at this part.(screencaps attached) i patch all the seven maps and when i have to resign them this happened. (screencaps attached) I have the dll on the same folder as the ,exe file, the same error with more info. my system specs: windows 7 sp1 ultimate x86 cpu intel pentium g620 2.60hgz ram: 4gb motherboard: asrock h61m-dgs i have tried. 0.-Google a solution. 1.-run the app with admin rights. 2.-run the app with compatibility mode on with xp sp3, and vista. 3.-update my pc's drivers. 4.-download the app from other source (the first one it come with the pack so i download a 'fresh one' from here) 5.-tried to put the dll on c:/ folder 6.-tried to put the hole app folder.....on c:/ folder 7.-turn off my anti-virus? (anyway, by this point, if some have told me that i have to run the naked mile for this thing to works i would have done it) 8.-cry and sob on a dark corner. I manage to make (succesfully) the other mappacks (phantom v1/v1 and killtrocity v2 i just need the killtrocity v1 and h2 ai revised ( by the way, i just have the part 1 of the pack, please, reupload).Send help.
  2. Please can someone upload the clean maps again, i can't get them my original halo 2 disc got broke just 1 week before i find out about the killtocity and phantom mappack!!! i download the h2 again but it doesn't have all the maps that it should, they have other names and others are missing!!! please does someone can reupload them or tell me were i can get them??? ***EDIT*** Found the clean maps on xboxdb.com thanks anyway.
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