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Repoman 108

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About Repoman 108

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Private Grade 2

Private Grade 2 (5/44)



  1. i have also tried both the hunter one and the one with smoke etc. the hunter one didnt work, it was just a normal save at the beginning of the ark, while the smoke one did work, but im miles outside the map and cant move or anything. i spose that proves that it can work? would someone mind uploading a dev save which is simply a projectile swap of the first weapon you have, on any weapon. see if that works.
  2. does this work? i recently got reset and didnt feel like modding it again. now i can unlock achievements offline but as soon as it syncs to live it resets them...if i look at my L4D achievements i have like 200Gs worth but not according to my total gamerscore. which is 0. and same goes for fear 2 which used to be like 100 but now is 0 also, except you still see the achievements :\ this resetting business is conundering...
  3. i very much doubt they would ban you for something so trivial as modding your service tag. doubt theyd care or even notice.
  4. it dont got arnie in it epicsadface im voting no.
  5. fairly sure "Feb 6 2009, 03:45 AM" doesnt count as a year old. but anyways, i wrote a tut on how to do it, and i dont know what you expect but theres no "easy way" to mod it. there arent going to be shortcuts. so you just have to follow my tutorial and work out what i mean. its simple enough once you get it. just try it out. if you dont understand something, feel free to pm me.
  6. ROFLMAO. i have had 6 mods on my fileshare since september last year, i have not touched nor removed them since then and people have been downloading them. dw its safe.
  7. why dont you just post a link to your fileshare? its good to hear that assembly is floodable though
  8. well upload a save of it and im sure someone will find something.
  9. yeah, i remember reading that it was completely free. because they didnt want to charge PC users money for it, and they thought it would be unfair to charge xbox 360 users for it but not PC users. oh, and the new maps arent really new maps, they just added death toll and dead air to the versus list so you can play versus on death toll and dead air, thats all they mean by "two Versus campaigns" so its hardly a DLC at all, im sure they had to patch the death toll and dead air maps to make them playable for versus, but there arent actually any specifically new maps in this. im looking forward to the gametype though, and to see what playing as a hunter on dead air would be like.
  10. any idea what the files called?
  11. hmm, is the update stored inside the HDD? or on the xbox itself?
  12. did you get it working?
  13. yeah this really sucks now that we cant play on XBL at all with the mods. it was alot more fun when you could go into a versus game and fly around spawning s***, now you have to remove the patches and play offline to make the mods work. hmm, i know that this is pretty much impossible, but is there perhaps a way to corrupt the L4D patch file so that the game reads that its there, and doesnt try to make you redownload it, but at the same time, it wont work? so, like the game knows you have the patch, and so it lets you play online, but the patch doesnt work? i know its impossible im just throwing ideas around.
  14. Repoman 108

    Fable 2

    wtf lol. thats the picture that i sent you when explaining to you how to do it. it has my IDs lmfao. meh. i cant be bothered to think of a reason to tell him to remove it lol EDIT* nvm just saw that you gave me credit lol. anyways its a good tut for beginner modders. hopefully it will help some new modders with the basics of messing around inside your HDD. starts off as just basic tutorials and you just do what they say, but then after a while you start to figure out why you do that stuff. so just keep practising with basic tuts like this one and when you figure out how the HDD is structured then you'll understand how to put stuff in different places. nice first tut.
  15. ...no...if you have a closer look inside the file, there are no references to items and such, like there are to the things i mentioned above. so its all just random values. it would take alot of testing to change around items and stuff. sorry but i just dont think its possible
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