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jordan dipaolo

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Everything posted by jordan dipaolo

  1. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOUND LOOKING ON THE WEB HOPE THIS HELPS ok this is a hidden hash caculator me and hexabyte have so i feel like giving to the public might help if you know what you need it for link- http://files.filefront.com/HashCalcrar/ ... einfo.html DIRECTIONS- pick a halo usermap or .map in the file slot then hit calculate and the calculations will come up Calculations you get- MD5 MD4 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 RIPEMD160 PANAMA TIGER MD2 ALDER32 CRC32 Edonkey/ Emule
  2. also another qeustion will i still be able to play my moded maps offline without a con resigner???
  3. just wondering what map name its under please reply
  4. hey peaches i think there are alot of ppl here that are new to modding i was checking out the tags for diffrent things with this modding progrem and i dident know what anything was exept for that maps but i dident know what the hell i was doing it would be kool if you put up some things like diffrent tags... thanks
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