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Everything posted by heathen711

  1. Ok lately i've been asked by a bunch of noobs which came out of no where, guessing because halo 3 is out they decided to mod halo 2, and they all wanted to get the models for everything so they can mess around with them. so i thought i might as well post it for everyone else.they're all in .obj format so you can use them in milkshape. http://files.filefront.com/Halo+2+Models/;8864050;/fileinfo.html don't know if it's been already posted or not, it so go ahead and delete the post and sorry. now if someone is will to post how to use them i would appreciate it because i know i'm gonna get that question soon. plz. if not i'll get to i soon.
  2. Hey can you post a new or updated link to the xored and yelo installer to boot from cd, because the current one doesn't work. plz and thx.
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