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About BerT6801

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  1. Thanks man... I will see how it all goes tomorrow. But riddle me this. When i transferred everything from my xbox 1 including the game rip folder and all....why didn't the already modified mainmenu work... I sorta see how each time you add maps it has to be modified (sorta) ,,,so what got lost from transferring from modded xbox1 (worked great) to modded xbox 360... and the maps don't load. Is there a reason for this... I kinda like to understand exactly what happen
  2. Ok...well extracted all the maps from my box... put into clean maps folder and was gonna start from there via the tutorial... however Im missing one map highplains2.map where can i get this one...Im finding it odd that I didnt have it anyhow
  3. Ok Im confused on the lingo. MCP format? I did copy all the working maps from the xbox 1 as well as the halo2 game folder directly from xbox1 to jtag360. I figured all patched files would move as well. No dice. All the maps were installed to the corrosponding folder in my TDATA folder but do not show up in the game itself. what are you telling me to put in the TDATA EDATA folders? thanks again
  4. I just got the backwards compatibility running on my jtag... and all is good one that end. Got my ORIGINAL halo2 disk and ripped it.... all runs good. Installed official halo 2 map packs from origina disk... all is good. But on my old xbox I got all the modded MEMESIS installed custom maps... will those work in the jtag enviroment.??? If so...where the heck do I install them. I tried to run the installer... it loads but when u go to install..yeah it dies,,, not a real surprise there though. I tried pulling them off of my halo2 folder from the xbox1 (4d530064) but now they show up in the memory manager...but do not load inside halo2... Has anyone done this successfully. We wanna get a old skewl Lan game goin... like we used to. Xbox live is great...but nothing like yelling to the guy in the next room your profanitys....hehehheheh I had another thread started on another forum HERE But he told me to post at iBotModz... that a guy named iBotpeaches was the one to talk to... any help would be awesome. I'm ready to try anything.
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