That only changes from 8 to 16 bit. How does the mod know the resolution? I would think there is some kind of data config file that could be edited.If not that is very strange. Still scrolling jet speed when I move the mouse on my win7 machine is a real problem too. I might be screwed on playing this game now:(
Thanks I will do that. Its a GeForce GTX 550 Ti.Not that old. Is there a .ini file or some kind of config file for Dune 2000? On my XP virtual machine the game runs fine but I needed to change the resolution to 1920 x 1080. I really need help with the super fast scrolling when I move around also.
Thanks for the reply! The -f did help. Its not flickering fast like it was before but it does still flicker in spots across the screen horizontally. Its playable though just kinda annoying but I can deal with it unless you have any other ideas.What is more annoying is the how fast the screen moves.I move my mouse down just a little and it go down very fast.I already put the scroll speed down to the lowest and still way too fast.
Not sure where to ask for help on this so sorry if posting at the wrong place. I am on win7 64 and the game installed but when I play the game it is always blinking. Not sure how to explain it really but it seems to be some kind of glitch. Also is there a config file I can edit to change the resolution? I thought it was "dune2000.cfg" but isnt. Any help would be great. Thanks