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Everything posted by Manga

  1. Seems like a lot of sites are dying now adays. Yet again I guess that statement is a bit null as other sites are flourishing. How much traffic does this website get a day? Oh and thanks for the welcome <3
  2. How did I even get here? I somehow got to this website and then left my computer on and came back and can't remember why I was on here in the first place. But anyways, I saw the newest announcement topic and decided to read it and was a bit appalled by a statement in it. It said that modding had become expensive and that the time of cheap modding was done. I'm sorry but that is such a wrong statement that it sort of annoys me. Soft modding can be done with an USB or a transfer cable and both of those are under 20$. Which is pretty cheap. You can mod some games online and some games offline. But anyways, here is some information about myself. I call myself Manga. Manga- A common term referring to comics made in Japan. Why do I call myself that? Because I love reading manga and watching anime. I have actually seen more anime than I have read manga but that is not because I enjoy anime more than manga. I just happen to not have a laptop so I cannot read my manga in the comfort of my own bed as I can with anime. I am on myanimelist forums for anime and I am one those with a job for the chibi tracker. Anyways now onto my xbox 360 background. I have been in the xbox 360 modding seen for about two years now. I am well experienced in all types of modifying. Here is some notable information about myself that you might find interest in. ~ I have six xbox 360's ~Three are flashed ~One is a Jtag ~One is normal ~One has RRoD x3 ~I have 5000 post on Game-Tuts ~I have 2000 post on XboxMB ~I speak some French, German, Spanish, and Japanese I flash my own Xbox's and have done various mods. I have strong knowledge when it comes to Soft Modding, flashing, and decent enough knowledge for Jtag's. I dedicate much time to forums. I also do tagging (you refer to them as signatures probably) which is a type of GFX (Graphical Art). I use photoshop CS5, Cinema 4D, and Illustrator. Here is some of my older work (sorry, I just don't upload a lot of my new stuff, I know most of this is high novice). http://i1034.photobucket.com/albums/a421/manga003/cattttt.png http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/205/3/9/pantsu_by_mangagfx-d41hy73.png http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/202/5/1/anime_misconception_by_mangagfx-d41796z.png http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/202/7/5/anime_hell_trimmed_by_mangagfx-d416d7r.png http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/251/7/8/laxidasical_art_by_mangagfx-d49ai3x.png I don't honestly think I will be active on this forum much if at all as I will probably forget about it by tonight, but I have said that before and become active on other forums, so you never know. ~Good day. Edit: Ahhhh I remember why I had this website opened! Peaches put down the link on XMB because he did a change that allowed for the debug menu to be used by others.
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