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Everything posted by x360dock

  1. Recently,there is another groundbreaking product released during these days,it is called x360dock with which you can paly all x360 games through an extral HDD.This x360 dock item is made by another great team--x360dock team,now you dont need to worry about the games being damaged. Moreover, you no longer use the DVD drive and so it will extend the life of your console. Here is a picture about this new item. http://www.oz3ds.com/img/p/54-178-large.jpg How to install X360dock X360dock is a solderless deivce which means you can install it without any soldering skills, this is a great news for users. After all, not so many guys are capable of doing the complicated soldering job. In order to install the x360dock, you need to open the console, put the x360dock inside, connect some cables, put the firmware inside and close the console. You can install it easily via our guide. Tips: Installing the x360dock requires a copy of your xbox360 drive key which means you need to use some tools such as x360USB pro & CK3 Lite to retrieve the key from your DVD drive. If you already have got the key file in advance, that's great! Source: http://www.x360dock.com/
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