Well, it sorta sucks that this site is closing. I have been a non-member and sorta lurked around, but yeah. Even while being a member, i still havn't been active due to stuff in the real world. Anyways, this is sorta sad for me, but in a way it isn't.
Hey all. I'm xXTacoGuyXx. I live in south west Australia, and i own most consoles from the PS1 onwards (lol). I have the PS1, PS3, PSP, N DSLite, N Wii, Xbox 1, Xbox 360, and my crappy PC. I'm a huge fan of Halo and GTA, and recently i've been doing a few small Halo 3 map modding (object swapping). I do have steam, so feel free to add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035581763 Cya round the forums, - TG