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Everything posted by JMorin86

  1. Most likely will have to, although I already bought that special edition halo reach xbox 360 that came with those two silver halo reach controllers, silver UNSC 360 and a copy of Halo Reach.
  2. Wow, that's very stunning. It looks like some kind of facility out of a sci fi movie or something. Working in a place like that would make work more enjoyable.
  3. Definitely looking forward to this!! So much has changed through the years, I hope the level up system has changed too. Lol
  4. Welcome to the site Leech! If you're willing to learn a thing or two about modding this is definitely a helpful place.
  5. Thinking of playing some Worms games, classics ftw!!
  6. So is there no such thing as a Playstation ONE ISO set? (a file with hundreds of PS1 ISO files all packed into 1-6 RAR files) .
  7. I knew of a site that has the files you need but I was told not to share it with anyone. At least someone else was able to help you out.
  8. That is one sexy ebay item. I always wanted that flaming helmet too. Stupid limited edition.
  9. If you happen to have a copy of Halo 2 or even a ripped one, I do know that the mainmenu.map is on it. Otherwise, Peaches will most definitely be able to help you out.
  10. It's for my soft modded xbox (1). I'm pretty sure ISO is the best format to use when loading up PSX games on the Xbox. I just don't feel like downloading one PSX ISO at a time on those emulation sites. I was hoping someone compiled a ISO set for easy access. Similar to how you can get ROM sets for SNES and Genesis roms, except the file size is much smaller of course. Lol
  11. Battlefield 3 and MW3... I wonder who's going to come out on top? Tough decision thus far. Nice leak you've come across btw.
  12. Is there anyone out there in ibot land that happens to know where I could download a possible PSX ISO set? I've yet to see a legit one anywhere on the net. I've heard that there may be some torrents out there someplace but I'm not very fond of that form of download. Maybe if it had enough seeders.
  13. Alright, I found some dead links for the Killtrocity Map Pack V2. If you can find V1 please see if you can re upload those too. Were there a lot of map packs released? If so could you tell me what they were all called so I can take a look? Thanks man. Killtrocity V2: http://ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/235-killtrocity-2-mappack/
  14. Yeah, I was assuming that it's inevitable to bypass an in game freeze now and then just because it's modded and all. It's not that big of a deal to me. I won't hold it against you for not testing all the maps, I'm pretty sure you released enough blood sweat and tears into compiling the map pack itself. Now that I've learned how to load up these custom maps, I'm going to look around for those Killtrocity map packs; they're bound to be around here some where. I found some dead links here in the forums, it's really hard to keep links alive; especially when they're more than 3 years old. Lol
  15. I feel like playing Halo 1 or 2 on LAN but I've no idea where..
    1. JMorin86


      live server** -.-
  16. Alright, I got it to work finally. All I had to do was repack the files and it worked. Just got done checking out some of the maps and I have to say that they are definitely imaginative. The bubble map was an awesome idea and I thought it was cool how they used Bart's skateboard as a sword in the Simpsons map. Lol As I was playing some of the maps, I began to think it would be cool if someone made a laser tag-like map where you use some type of modded gun that shoots red lasers in a darkly lit arena + neon lights and whatnot. I spent about an hour trying to beat the Donkey Kong map, it's intense; I have yet to beat that one. The vehicle spawning map is a neat idea, I liked how they took a warthog and wraith and fused them together. By far one of my most favorite maps would have to be the Mario Kart Block fort mainly because of the nostalgia. The only issue I've had thus far is the fact that a couple of the levels froze on me and I had to re-start my xbox. I hope it has nothing to do with the way I packed the files or an error from my xbox. If you know of it just being a glitch in the maps, please let me know. Peaches, your name will most definitely go down in xbox-scene history along with all the other bad ass minds behind these maps! Thanks for making my Halo 2 experience long lasting!
  17. Hey everyone, I'm new to the site and I just happened to come across you guys while attempting to install the Halo 2 Phantom Map Packs. I used a tutorial that Peaches wrote on transferring the V1 Map pack to my soft modded Xbox HDD. When I attempt to run the map pack, it plays the opening AMV of the Phantom Map Pack with the epic music. Afterwards, I go from the menu to multiplayer and when I go to select a different map it only shows the original Halo 2 maps that came with the disc. Can someone try and direct me in the right direction with this? As far as I know I set up the files correctly when I placed them under my F drive under Games. Thanks!
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