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Lulzsec Security

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About Lulzsec Security

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  1. For you I have a special weapon, I will not release my brain controlled turtle doves on you. Instead I will send I group of actual TURTLES!!!! That are controlled by NASA! This will on for sveral days, you, your freinds, everyone will have TURTLES attacking them none stop. Try hosting this site now!
  2. You guys are idiots. I am now creating IP bots with my brain since I own the internet. You guys will be screwed, my DDoSer brain cells just got updated to version 2.3 via turtledoves.xxx. For the next 42 hours my brian controlled turtle dove bots will pwn your site and members. http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/brain-intro.gif Just wait, it's starting now. My DDoSer in my brain is set to "High Priority"! Your site with it's members are screwed!
  3. I'm Lulzsec, I'll keep DDoSing this site. And I'll DDoS you! Give me your IP, If your a little shit who doesnt belive me.
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