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Everything posted by oloet

  1. i'm still waiting for the game shop guy to get me d mechassault game....
  2. i did nt softmod it myself buh i tink it is mechassault dat d guy used to do it.i chkd d game progress saves list now and found 'run linux' in mechassault's saves...i will look 4 a way 2 get mech assault disk tommorow.i wil let u know as soon as i get d disk.thanks a million!
  3. the xbox doesnt have d eeprom page again,it boots like d normal xbox dat was first produced then.it has the 'all green' microsoft dashboard where one can view game progess saves,play/copy music to d harddrive,connect to xbox live,settings.dats all on d dashboard
  4. i will check whether the splinter cell game save is still in the game when i get home.pls can you explain to me the procedure to get it back to its former state.
  5. d xbox doesnt recognise the slayer disc and cannot boot to installed games and media files.what can i do?
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