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mgc superman

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About mgc superman

mgc superman's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Ok idk if this is a glitch or not but there is a switch to get the recon helment or the whole body idk yet but it is on the level the Covenant under the Elevator shaft on that last part when you go across that bridge but if you have any knowledge about this please message me
  2. shutup if you say another thing about this i will spam up this whole website
  3. my resigner wont work on johnson nor engineer
  4. would you shutup
  5. mgc superman


    are there any other modded maps besides the ones on the front page
  6. oh ok thanks because im kinda new at this
  7. when i download it it says i have to open the file with a certain program what program do you recommend using
  8. ive used both and neither one works for me any suggestions?
  9. how many of you really know how to mod and actually do it because i need to pm with you about where to get good modding programs
  10. ok i need some help i know where to get the programs but they dont work like they are supposed to work. do i need a spaccific program or what well please someone help me.
  11. are there really any halo 3 cheats because theres been a rumor goin round sayin there is and ive been searching but nothing found yet
  12. i sorta see how they did that and thats cheap
  13. who really made these mods? just wonderring
  14. Does any one have any good forging tips because im not really good at it
  15. oh my bad i meant to say on modded maps i meant to put that in
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