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l FrOstBiTe l

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Everything posted by l FrOstBiTe l

  1. ok guys get ready for this ...this is gunna be the best mod ever.!..!!!!! ill show it to you and if you want it ill send it to you
  2. Hey Hey Hey!!! guys this is a mod me and my friend made like 1.5years old and later ill show you what me and the same friend made like a month later...it took forever!!!
  3. hey post me if u got a desolation superspeed with sticky shooting BR's, if not ill make 1 4 myself
  4. Yea ill stop with the caps crap but i do it all the time cuz i saw it once and i thought it look cool
  5. Hey Peaches i DiDnt know what tO reallY do so Now iLL oRganiZe Them
  6. Cant find it but if u want 2 see me MLG montage just type l frostbite l on youtube or frenchy2345 which was my other account
  7. HeY HeLP mE PLZ hoW To ThinK oF pOSts aND mY LeVeL uP?
  8. Hey i waS WonderiNG if i CoULD maKE a SuggesTiOn on the ViDeO oF tHe MoNTh, BeCeAusE i ReALLY LIKe TheE "WHY WE MOD" ViDeO!
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