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About beachside

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  1. beachside

    WHITE relic

    Sorry but I can't fix the link right now
  2. lol i hope that no one uses this on me nice post
  3. I really enjoyed this game great work so far.
  4. beachside

    WHITE relic

    The pics are finally up!
  5. beachside

    WHITE relic

    Pics: http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/9121/mapmodsu0.jpg http://img229c.imageshack.us/img229/9738/mapmod2kf0.jpg http://img229c.imageshack.us/img229/9040/mapmod10cm2.jpg http://img229c.imageshack.us/img229/8715/mapmod11ef2.jpg http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7356/mapmod5yp0.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/8463/mapmod6ro9.jpg
  6. beachside

    WHITE relic

    [N/A]_System Link Compatible Not entirely sure. I did not have enough time to actually perform a test. [ YES ] __Skins [ YES ] __Model Injections [ YES ] __Weapon Mods [ YES ] __Vehicle Mods [ NO] __Lighting Mods This map features a white and ground with a white warthog and ghost. It has the halo 3 weapons tags and I changed the color of some of the projectiles coming out of the gun. The warthogs gun turret fires out the pelican rockets. The ghost fires out the hunters particle cannon. The sky is also skinned to look like there is a hand reaching down to grab you. There is no auto aim, run fast, and super jump. I tested it on my friends xbox because mine is broken for now and he does not have Xored trainer launcher or yelo so I am not able to get pictures. Programs used: Entity V.1.0.2523.31034 and Entity 1.0.2311.435 Alpha 1 Prophet 1.0 MSPaint DXTBmp Contrail Editor Special thanks 3voloved for the halo 3 weapons that I used in it Metas(Except Flamethrower) - Yamagushi Models and skins(Except Brute Spiker And Assault Rifle) - Darkshallfall Conscar - Brute Spiker Skin Doom - Brute Spiker Model Dec1234 - Assault Rifle Model Ryder - Assault Rifle Skin Link: http://files.filefront.com/dunerar/;11699380;/fileinfo.html
  7. I have they worked at my friends house so it must be the drive so i guess i will just buy a new one from consolesource.com.
  8. I have check for scratches and they are not scratched and now none of my regular xbox games are working and i do not have xbox live.
  9. My xbox has a phillips DVD drive and it has recently stopped reading my burned DVD disks they are DVD-R ones. It recognizes the disk as the game and I launch the game and it says loading game then goes back to the unleash x menu. I have tried launching the default.xbe file through the file explore option and that didn't work either. When it reads the disk I can't see the subfolders on the disk when i browse the disk. I have opened my xbox and took out the drive and cleaned the optic lens and the mirror under it and bought a laser disk cleaner and it still doesn't work. What should I do, do I need to buy a new DVD drive or get a new laser or something else.
  10. can someone send me a link to a spartan laser weapon tag or a mod that i can extract one from. i tried following the tutorials on other websites and i kept on screwing something up. i found a mod that had one and when i tried to extract it said "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index. i used a mod named snogulation from halomods.com i would really appreciate it if someone could help me. Thanks
  11. This is Rockymods Tutorial Hello, and welcome to my Halo 3 Bubbleshield tutorial. Today I'm going to show you how to succesfully create the Bubble Shield (This is my first tut so don't be to harsh. Step 1: Open up 03a_oldmombasa.map, and any MP map. Step 2: Select the soccerball tag in old mombasa under the [bloc] tag. Now check the recursive and parsed boxes and save the soccerball. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6408-98.png Step 3:Build the Ball into your MP map. Wait for the done box and then go ahead and close the SP map. Step 4:Go to the soccerball tag under the [hlmt] tag in your MP map and go to the idents display. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6408-99.png Step 5:Click on the phmo reference of the soccerball and right click to swap it to a SMG or anything related to it like a flag or assault bomb, as long as you can walk through the object. This makes it walkthrough, but makes it not work when you throw it as a grenade. (to my testing knowledge, you are welcome to experiment.) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6408-100.png Step 6: We are going to go ahead and give the shield health/shields. For starters this will just make the shield look better when shot at because it'll have that shield collision effect. Still under the [hlmt] tag go to the elite_mp tag. Go to the idents and right click and select clone chunk. Now click on the health/shields chunk and copy to clipboard. Close the chunk cloner and go to the soccerball's chunk cloner and click the main link of the soccerball then "Add top selective/reflexive." then add meta to map. It should look like this when you are done. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6408-101.png Step 7: Sigh in relief that the hardest step is finished. Step 8: Click tools-meta editor then scroll down to the health and shields part. You can put the health to 1 or something (not 0 because usually that value does not mean 0) Now put the shield value to something high like 4000. It should look something like this when you are done. (don't forget to hit save when you finish the shield editing. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6408-102.png Step 9: Travel to the [mode] tag of the soccerball. Switch to the idents view. There are two shaders here. One should be soccerball black and the other white. At this point it is preference of how you like things to look. An easy shield look is to switch both the shaders to Active_camo-glass-Active_cammo-or edge. You can even do a overshield instead if you like yellow instead of blue. Experiment with this if you like and find what you like the most. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/6408-103.png Step 10: If you try to make the shield a grenade it may take a while to figure out how to get it to work because through my countless testing I never got the shield to work through the grenade. But if you make the shield a projectile it should work just fine. Yamagushi seemed to have a good solution though, go ahead and try that! Step 11:Open the [coll] tag of the item you are using to spawn the soccer ball and open the meta editor. Make the item you are using the same as the Planes, Leaves, 2D Refrences, Surfaces, Edge Buffer, and Vertices of the soccer ball leave the rest the same. Step 12:You are done enjoy your bubble shield. This Tutorial was not made by me it was made by Rockymods.
  12. It was from chaste beaver creek and i am sorry that i stole it.
  13. it does have pics it is the attatchment i put on. i didn`t know how to post them.
  14. it was easy here is a link to it LINK REMOVED I just used the brute shot trigger and projectile chunk instead of the one in the tutorial.
  15. Description: Battle rifle has a secondary grenade fire. Plasma grenades are chain spawned shotgun shoots out beam rifle shoots Carbine shoots out ghosts ghost shoots out rockets needler replaced with flame thrower plasma rifle shoots scarab beam Sentenal beam shoots out hunter beam Throw frag grenade to produce a bubble shield Link: http://files.filefront.com/Modrar/;9138 ... einfo.html This is for cylotron
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