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Everything posted by zowned

  1. zowned

    It was fun.

    Sorry to see this site go. I know how it is man. To all who don't know me... I had a chat a while back with iBotPeaches about becoming an affiliate. Hell I even did a kick-ass logo that took me 2-3 hours to do when the site was looking for a new look. I guess it doesn't matter now. But if anyone needs a breath of fresh air I have created a forum category in recognition for iBotModz and everything is was and could have been. Peaches, you are always welcome back to my site even though we never got anything going. Here's to you. Check out the forum site dedicated to iBotModz: http://www.zowned.com/forums/33/i-bot-modz Main site (think of facebook for gamers): http://www.zowned.com zowned
  2. Hello. My name is zowned. I am a gamer, a designer, a creator or sorts... And I'm not even sure how I wound up here but I believe good things will come of it. I did create something... but out of respect I will not post it until it has been approved by the great one. If you are smart enough you can figure it out though <silent laugh> until then... z
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