I’m looking for a blackberry curve 8520 one. I love the overall design and the phone. The picture quality is not that great but it's not that crappy either.
Well my opinion is, I had a cell phone as a kid (not primary school, but middle school) because my parents liked to know where I was when I went to friends houses, stayed after school, wouldn't be home for dinner, etc. Also a cell phone is extremely useful in case of an emergency. I can see why having a cell phone would be useful even to children of that age.
One of my friends saying really random things to try and get the conversation focused on her. They were stupid things we just ignored like 'my leg's itching' i just wanted to yell "no one cares!" so annoying!
I'm 22 working in McDonalds, it's a boring job and I hate the place too but, hey I like money more then I hate the place so I keep continue to work their.