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Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. XDK

    DIGGYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK
  2. XDK

    DIGGYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK
  3. no lol go with water cooling :-)
  4. might just be that the fan is modded... or its yeah getting to hot, try and clean it out
  5. might just be that the fan is modded... or its yeah getting to hot, try and clean it out
  6. Yeah while without a mouse or keyboard a computer is worthless, unless you got a touch screen :-P And yeah i would love to put my cooling system against that cheap peice of plastic koolance has. Ive seen koolance's system and its a complete rip off, peice of junk. Mine might now look as fancy but it provides far better results.
  7. lol yup what a waste of money XD and btw quinn u forgot the mouse and keyboard, the 2 most important things Also i recomend going with the industrial fan and radiator like i did :-P better cooling and cheaper :-)
  8. I didn't make this thing to be portable, i made it for results ; and yeah hose clamps its just an added layer of security.
  9. yeah while one leak and you done, my coolant is board safe, still never good if it leak tho XD but i got hose clams, pipe selant, i got it all, and there is no leaks
  10. Yeah koolance does, have u seen the price!? sure it may not as small but its far better then koolances kit, i went all out making sure this thing was extreme.
  11. added a better pic added a better pic
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. REDSTAR 105
    3. iBotPeaches


      halo3, if you make anyone mad. Your account will be done. Its unbanned.
    4. Lockon


      Not to mention you made a new account to evade the the ban
  13. uh have u even looked at the pic? the stuff in the tubing is green!, since when is water green?. I'm using a high quality coolant for this thing, and no lol i didn't want some small internal water cooling, I wanted to go all out with this thing lol.
  14. lol hey everyone it's me halo3, i just finished my latest project, a water cooled xbox 360. Now sure people have water cooled 360s in the past ok, but this is the ultimate and i made sure. I got a custom water block, industrial pump, huge industrial radiator, and huge industrial fan. The water flows 6X through the radiator which is about 1 1/2 foot by 6 inches, and a about 8 in 12V industrial fan is blowing on it. Its super cool, and the loading time is 3X faster, and the bottom of the case feels like you just turned it on 30 secs ago. The pic below are the first test, i'm gonna fix the whole in the case, add the rest of the case and take temps ect. Update: after running it for about an hour its at 28C=82.4F very slightly above room temp :-)
  15. yeah he would if you guys didn't ban him... lol and i got a real great idea to save ibotmodz, unban halo3 :-) think about it when you guys banned halo3 it all went downhill from there
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