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About rusty92

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  1. release XD dont mean to beg but if this gets released, well you know the rest. But and i know not the right topic but im tired, couldnt you just delete your gamer profile from your xbox if you are going to be banned, then create a new one on there and then they cant ban yoru console? just an idea
  2. Most probably wont work but worth a try i guess, well everyone is saying about how the aa wraith and troop hog are just the standard vehicles with a turret add on, which for some strange reason hasnt got its own hex value -- anyway my idea was that and we will use anti air wraiths for this example. Go to your map place a normal wraith, go to hex editor swap the wraith turret for the anti air wraith. Now i know this will probably just end up being a wraith with another wraith on its back, but maybe just maybe this will produce a standard aa wraith :S i cant try this as i havent got a resigner so could someone who can please just give it a try. Also, amd yes i do appreciate the mods we get. But they are getting boring, maps with vehicles, turrets and clones be more creative Also are the trees in guardian spawnable? like can you place them all over the map, like a jungle map that would be cool.
  3. my computer is a turd, i click on some links and it says somethign abotu forum error :/ well i got the maps anyway but yeah ignore me saying the links dont work.
  4. well i mean can you system link with a dev kit?? because there is a program called xlink kai which is a tunneling program which, when connected to your xbox, will connect to other xboxs and you will be able to play system link over the internet, pretty good kinda like free xbox live just nowhere near as tgood, but anyway if there was a way to play "foreign" maps over system link, unresigned maybe this could work.
  5. niellsss said host it if you want i dont mind, they said the reason they arent hosting it isnt because they thought niellssss didnt want them to, its because they dont want to. Correct me if im wrong.
  6. Why release them when they get boring? Come on pwetty pwease, and considering you have it can you fly the pelican?
  7. Very nice, looking forward to it, the thing thats bugging me is, if you are getting them, and plan on releasing them for us, wont the creator/s get pissed off with you and not give you anymore, or they will read what you just said and then not give them to you?
  8. are you kidding? look at the very top post "All of the Halo 3 Mods (U.T.D.) " , viewtopic.php?f=51&t=2567, thats where they all are, come on dude read through the forum first.
  9. You do realise he hasnt told us where he found it, when, and all that. And anthony MADE his con resigner didnt find it, he made it so the only one we know of that works is his one, which no one else has. So im not gonna say this is lies, but i wouldnt be so hopeful guys.
  10. I think he means swapping copying demo discs, then replacing the demos on there with real games, the demo disc resigns the game for you apparently.
  11. Meh he kinda did, you said construct mod, even if you didnt say forge mod, the only mods out atm are forge ones ( to my knowledge well kinda forge ones ) so when you say mods ( unless the words .map or dev kit ) we all assume you mean forge mods. Be clear next time please, for everyones sakes.
  12. No i decided id take a random guess at what you had posted and just rip on shotspartin im supporting you fool. But yknow post anything to get your post count up right?
  13. and u heard this from?
  14. and u heard this from?
  15. Same for me. Anyone know how to fix this? And tbh ive heard its a glitch, and doesnt sound like much of a mod, so it probably is a mod.
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