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Everything posted by Xiled

  1. Xiled

    halo 2 burning

    *Off Topic* - lol, I thought you were literally burning Halo 2 on fire.
  2. When I carve my pumpkins I do it with great detail and extreme care. I believe I have a talent when it comes to carving pumpkins that nobody else has. My creativity in the works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cij8moFxTgk
  3. Yup lol and 7 seems to me more active.
  4. Lol I guess so. I don't think Black Ops will be shitty but still.
  5. His name on youtube is "AntiHalo22" and he just go's to the extreme when it comes to halo hate and even returns reach to gamestop. This is worse than the burning of Reach video.... He smashes so much CD's, manuals, stuff from the legendary addition and it's just, I don't even know.. It's quite the waste of money but holy... Profile Page http://www.youtube.com/user/AntiHalo22 Anti-Bungie Part 1 0:00 The Arrival 0:39 The Returning 2:15 The Burning 6:36 Burning bungies Patch Watch Part 2 for, "The Smashing." Anti-Bungie Part 2 0:00 The Smashing 2:55 The Smashing 2 4:57 Barbie Doll Bullshit 6:50 Piece of Shit Manuals 8:18 To the fan boys 9:08 Credits I don't know why he would waste so much money on those halo games only to smash them... lol.
  6. Stupidest thread I've ever seen. There's waaay better things that look like something else in Reach.
  7. First I'll post how to do it then the video below. These glitches were found by TDnS Dark and IIII Xiled IIII. To do the glitches you must have lag. I suggest uploading a youtube video because when we made this video I was uploading one. To do the Multi-Oracle glitch you simply tap up on the D-Pad as fast as you can. That faster you do it, the more oracles come out. I've gotten up to 6. To shoot the Oracle laser you push up on the D-Pad then pull the trigger. You can only shoot the laser for a certain amount of time before it disappears. I think bungie was going to add the laser in but took it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKgstR7dt_4
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