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Everything posted by Pr3sT0

  1. This is the support topic for the tutorial How to change your IP address. Please post here if you have any questions or feedback.
  2. hoorah for microsoft is that what your saying? psh sad
  3. hosting on friday dont bitch or say its a scam. Its free check out what donations get you here My website
  4. I have hosted 2 lobbies online on my friends xbl gamertag- Frebooted- and -Jtagerooni- and I made $10 dollars in 8 hours because it was free. The second one none .Someone donated 20 and I got a Kv but i was jipped so I have no money and banned still donations can be accepted if you dont trust me with your account donate before and you get an invite to lobbies with vip. This is only until I get a new kv. System link gets you 10th, all challenges, all titles, all perks, attachments,camos,spinning emblem and no infections! Send Mr Pr3sT0 a message on xbl friend requests get blocked also JTAGerooni a message. here is me starting my jtag up and running it on a bad patch. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=PY7rljc4lqY My Paypal and email is Laxpreston6@yahoo.com thanks donate if you don't want system link but want in a lobby send as a gift leave gamertag in notes thank you Donate---
  5. I have previous people who have donated to do this
  6. I am trying to post on other websites maybe?
  7. I hosted one lobby online on my friends xbl gamertag- Frebooted- and I made $10 dollars in 8 hours because it was free. Someone donated 20 and I got a Kv but i was jipped so I have no money and banned still donations can be accepted if you dont trust me with your account donate before and you get an invite to lobbies with vip. This is only until I get a new kv. System link gets you 10th, all challenges, all titles, all perks, attachments,camos,spinning emblem and no infections! Send Mr Pr3sT0 a message on xbl friend requests get blocked also JTAGerooni a message. here is me starting my jtag up and running it on a bad patch. My Paypal and email is Laxpreston6@yahoo.com thanks donate if you don't want system link but want in a lobby send as a gift leave gamertag in notes thank you :):)
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