no dont be a dick to me, im saying i know the HF user who crashed you. so dont talk shit about me. your were ddos attacked as of 68 hours and 49 minutes ago, my friend DDOs your server due to insucure security (which i should of helped) because you people talk alot of shit you just wait i got a SQL/DDOR/DDOS attack coming for your server go ahead ban me ill get every ******* account in this forum. and ill get my admin/mod 13itches
Hello when this forum had just started i was introduced into the Moderator section of the forum since then i have been waiting for my moderator and it has not came up,please fix this and Moderate me. Also i dont have many posts because ive just poped on to see if my mod was here yet. My Account WAS deleated for an unknown reason prob because of the DDOS attack caused by Hackforums User DiiRt, ANyway This IS My Remade Account. Thank You, Maxwell H. Withers iBotModz ("Moderator")