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About KingsxGhost

  • Birthday 10/25/1993

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  • Gamertag
    MM hippie

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Private (4/44)



  1. Make things by post so they have to stay xD
  2. i tried the WEP number which is the only one on the router and it didnt work. my WAP2 is 8 letters long were as the WEP is 10
  3. i bought wireless for my 360, and i recovered my connection but when i go to enter my WPA2 code i dont know what it is, i need help fast plz help
  4. i have a tenth prestiege level 70 account for sale. has all titles, emblems, camos on all guns, and modded leader boards. if you would like to buy it or take a look at it, you can add it KingsxClan.
  5. look really good, are they eventually going to put all of the cod4 maps in mw2
  6. KingsxGhost

    My baby

    thats ******* cool
  7. its not a bad idea, but this is more of a modding site
  8. SOLD
  9. i can do 150 but thats it
  10. if you want more info and a pic goto, im willing to lower it but not alot. i just 300 for it about 5 days ago so if your looking at it pm me. http://kingsxclan.webs.com/apps/webstore/
  11. closer to 200 comes with everthing i listed ill pay 4 shipping, and ill give u love 4 ever
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