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Everything posted by Obama

  1. uh i can't see the shoutbox? lol was i banned from it? cause what i never use it, im hardly on here
  2. Good so then you like the map?
  3. thats stupid, hey did they ever figure out the iso fro flashed drives?
  4. xbox360smartrepair.com rrod is caused by heat, the problem is now the connections with the solderballs under probably the gpu and/or cpu, so cooling it down isn't going to fix it
  5. really? lol and for the last time i don't have a capture card XD its the best i could get, i need to hold the camera and play the game so its's hard. But what do you ppl think of the map?
  6. REACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. ibotmodz iz dead =-( it has outdated info, this site is the last to get anything new, no new members stay, and all thats left is old flaming members posting random crap
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Obama
    3. Rogue Modder

      Rogue Modder

      old flaming members posting random crap?


      Been to rework3d?

    4. Obama


      not in forever like everyone else
  9. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/ReconIII/avatar-body.png
  10. wait what about the other stuff?
  11. what is a justrec?
  12. change ur name back
  13. Obama

    Halo 3 RTH

    I am, can u pm me it?
  14. Obama

    Halo 3 RTH

    does this work online?
  15. change ur name back =-P
  16. looks like the star craft game editior lol =-P
  17. Aww i hate when ppl do this. Why remove the online stuff in the xex? Its fun for all of 30 seconds offline. Also you guys want to research it? lol there is nothing to do offline. Personally I think if you buy a jtag and spend that money to go online for 4-8 hours have fun, you bought it, its your money. The jtag isnt some other idiot online's, its your jtag do with it what you want.
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