not only that, but i used to be a whiny little bitch, (sadly) and reported the methods of notorious hackers on halo 2. modding was not possible for months, and they sent great thanks, and when 360 came out, 20,000 MS points... i must say, they aren't going to per ma ban me.
just gave away my last code. sorry, but to tell you the truth, you aren't missing much... the beta only has 2 maps for slayer types, and 1 for invasion... not the best beta ever released. especially for such an anticipated game. just as well, grenades are extremely overpowered. the beta pisses me off a lot. instead i have been lured back into Wow...
ALright, so people are all happy, getting into 10th lobbies, right? WRONG although 10th lobbies seem harmless, just skipping the ranking process, bans are immenent. if you are the person send out INVITES to people, try to balance them out. to many invites to a certain game and IW check it for security purposes. If its modded, ONLY the person sending out the invites will be banned. it is not permanent, only about a month on average. you have been warned, but i do also think 10th lobbies are sweet so keep truckin lol NOTE:: this is for LONG TERM LOBBIES! 200 invites is the minimum for a security check NOTE:: I got this from a IW forum post, that is now deleted, so no link is available, sorry
Does anyone know of a way to un-suspend an account with Code Of conduct? my account is suspended until may 19th... if anyone has a method of doing such, please post a reply, thank you
thanks to SOME of you, and yes, i am a coder just starting out. i look at other programs to get the idea of what to make, code, etc. i'm going to begin work on a HDD explorer
if even a donor can be as ignorant as this i can see the website might deserve to die. It was a first post to introduce myself and look, you go and begin to talk to me as if i purposely posted wrong and didn't notice other AI O's. making a contribution is one thing, to ignorantly post about someone who is just getting used to the forum, telling them they posted in the wrong section is another. the point im trying to make is: be polite, don't be a ******
Alright guys, i am new to the forum and I have not seen a package of mods yet to be released. SO I thought i would release several mods in a package. NOTE:: i did NOT make any of the mods in this package. i do NOT take credit for creating ANY mods that you will see I plan to start becoming active in the forum to help keep it alive SO TELL UR FRIENDS i was a lurker for a while but the account was removed so now, i am going to actually get involved Sooo... CYA [/color] DOWNLOAD:: The file is bigger than the quota _____FILE INCLUDED ARE_____ sigggggy modio Horizon[public beta] Profile editor -cracked- HxD Forge Xp/Forge Vista COnScept 0.3 Xport 360 Xplorer360 EzGT 2.1 JohnSon USB Xplorer (for USB modders) I may have forgotten 1 but oh well Alright guys hope to get to know some of you better in the future PEACE CHECk MY YOUTUBE