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Everything posted by Legendary

  1. My guess is no because it is more than possible it is server sided, which you cannot change. Maybe unless you do like they did in Modern Warfare 2, patch the amount of experience you get when you get a kill.
  2. Hahaha Decatur, anyways nice app keep it up!
  3. Hahahaha, thats funny! You would think that MS would be smart enough to at least put a Surge Protector in it somewhere, I can't wait to see them when they get a load of broken XBox 360's because of a power surge.
  4. Ohh, haha. Then I guess it doesent matter too much... lol
  5. If you are going to want a freeBOOT image, people are going to need your NAND dump and your CPU Key which I would never give away to some random person. When someone has someone's NAND Dump and CPU Key they can decrypt the Keyvault and use it in a different Xbox 360. Anyways, I am sure there are many tutorials somewhere on the internet. Good luck. Note: iBotPeaches is legit you don't have to worry about him.
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