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Alloyy last won the day on August 24 2010

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  2. wow, you seriously just said that...if you dont find that sexy there has got to be something wrong in your brain, or somethings not hooked up correctly.
  3. I say Microsofts dumb, Bungie is cool so dont be disrespectin', and thats it...
  4. the guy on the right looks like the World of Warcraft charachter from South Park..."whoever he is...he's one tough badass..." and he also is wearing a "Protect wildlife from wildfires..." I think the friction he makes everyday with his thighs while walking STARTED the wild fires... the guy in the middle looks like Susan Boyle..."I dreamed a dream..." and the kid on the left looks like Justin Beiber suffering from extreme Anorexia. "Baby, Baby, I Need FOOOOOOD..." did this make you lolcatz? post a comment BELOW!!
  5. lolz maddgidd fails "I love you lostmodz u are the best person 4 making me the super secret project <3 kthxbai...plus im a fat peice of shit who only goes outside to get beat up at football practice!"
  6. removed. banned for 48 hours for posting porn.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi0YFM0hKE0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --------- *WARNING* spoiler alert you have been warned
  8. Really? i said not to comment on that...i already know the ARs are crap...so whats the point in saying what i already stated in the description...
  9. http://haloreach2sto...deos/patrol.wmv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITjhUPmle-o This is an early look at Halo: Reachs live action trailers to come out soon...please Thumbs Up me, and in the video i have to point out...they ARE ODST's and they DO have Halo 3 AR's but keep in mind they are fanmade so don't comment saying stuff like that. Enjoy!
  10. lolol
  11. thats funny
  12. Halo Reach Early stages of Campaign Development. and dont bug me if its fake i found it like this...on bing...
  13. heres how i got mine: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/18812-medal-of-honor-beta-code-how-to-scam/ Follow it exactly and youll have one in no time good luck!
  14. Alloyy


    i agree with justrec...we really dont need to hear about your personal problems...that thing that happened to you, happened to me also just get over it, gon on xbpx.com and change your profile info on there so you wont get banned again, because it will ban you twice...i know from experience.
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