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TTG RYAN last won the day on April 3 2011

TTG RYAN had the most liked content!


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  1. Seems patched for now... Im trying to find a way around it since some of my friends still want this doing and it only got patched because someone has posted it on some large forum like se7ensins
  2. can someone upload the recon helmet pirs file if not will someone let me recover there account and let me go on the download history and get it i will mod 10th prestige to anyone who will upload it or let me proof www.youtube.com/ryanwoods1996
  3. ModBroz who the f*** cares!!!!
  4. i went online on halo reach on a £10 kv and it said i had too many credits and it put them down to 15000 sargent grade 2 can someone upload one that you can use online? thanx
  5. yea thanks will it carry on to the retail game(credits) i have the cracked xex
  6. How can i mod the credits i did in the beta
  7. xmarcox its fake m8 look through it in hxd and its apple sftware ao aomething from itunes
  8. If u buy online i think it is or if some1 does get it plz share by extracting the files with wxpirs for our jtag's lol if it works if some1 buys it
  9. http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/media/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024d53085b/?p=1&of=6&bt=0&sb=1&did=f0000001-0000-4000-8000-00004d53085b proof Any rich kids going to get it? can any 1 get it for free with jtag? ithink its a joke lol
  10. thank you How would i go about doing this
  11. Would i be able to get arbiter armour with a jtag? not to play with just to be in apperance THIS GUY DID www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZdFylYgLIE
  12. Thank you for all the help
  13. i exctracted all the filles from wxpirs and put them in a halo reach folder on my hard drive then injected reachloader.xex and default.xex from ussr's modding tut and when i load the xex in xexmenu 1.1 i get E71 1red ring i have freeboot 0.32
  14. I will upload a video
  15. i get e71 when i load this can some1 help me plz?
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