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Everything posted by BannaTopper

  1. ODST is not that bad the campaign might not be the best but its got a great multiplayer.
  2. Is it possible to refund bought items on the Microsoft store?
  3. Dang I don't know if I can sell it to anybody, thanks though for the info just wished I should of asked before I bought.
  4. I got the Halo ODST And it came with a Halo 3 multiplayer disk. When the multplayer game screen loads it say mythic on it. Does it come with the mythic map pack. Because I bought the both of the mythic map packs the day before I got the ODST. Could someone help me out on this. Also I was really split on if I should put this in the ODST forum or Halo 3 so sorry if this needs to be moved.
  5. No because I killed him and when I looked at his armor had fire in printed all over it and he was not on fire either.
  6. I was playing online the other day and i saw some one with recon armor with flaming decal on it. So I was wondering is this a mod or can you actually get it or is it something you have to unlock, thanks.
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