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Everything posted by GingerisWIN

  1. Recently, my computer has been shutting down randomly. It seems like a heat problem, because it shuts off with no warning. It doesn't say "Windows is shutting down", it just stops. Ill be in the middle of doing something, and it just goes black, and turns off. If anyone has any idea as to what might be wrong, help would be appreciated. Thanks guys, - GingerIsWin
  2. I can't find a link. I got this for Christmas last year.
  3. Yes. Yes it is.
  4. -.-
  5. Tell me if you like this? I worked kinda herd on this. Suggestions, Comments..
  6. Yeah, font is WAYYYY over used. Try something like, thrashed but elegant.
  7. GingerisWIN

    Daft Punk

    II must say. Everything you make, amazes me in so many ways. I only hope ill be as good as you one day.
  8. I kinda cant do that.. :| Damn Scanners.
  9. You dont say... -.-
  10. If you don't like this, please give me suggestions, Links to Tut's, ideas, anything. I'm trying to get better with Photoshop, and I need some constructive criticism. Thanks, -Ginger. This is Another one using some suggestions. Once again. Tell me what you think. :DD
  11. Yee
  12. Any Good? :DD
  13. Thanks. I will.
  14. A Picture I made in about 30 minutes after working on a Tutorial. Tell me what you think. Give me suggestions. Thanks
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