Just a suggestion (as if I know anything about running a website), if you decide to merge do it with a more generalized site. Something that covers a lot more on gaming and modding as a whole and is not so centralized around one particular game. As I tried to say many moons ago Halo just isn't it anymore. People are all over the place. But don't just merge into any site. Take time and find one that is mutually beneficial to the members there, and to all of your loyal members here. Don't settle for anything being taken away, make sure any decision is for the good and for the growth.
You can't to be honest. Every 360 site is failing... It's the life cycle. Every retarded kid got them a JTAG and there is no 360 modding "scene" anymore... You can jump on the PS3 modding bandwagon, or just fall to the side. To stay relevant these days you need to change your site focus almost weekly, it's kinda pointless.
Actually, it isn't on a 360, safeguards shut the console off to prevent any damage at a temp lower than what would be necessary to damage the console. Now, if you wanna cut the temp sensor trace and then try this, that might be a different story...
I'm curious as to this one also. As the only on screen message it will show is "overheating". I guess the only way we are gonna find out is when we finally get our hands on a broken one.
I think you are missing it. They will still break (probably more actually) but you won't get "RRoD" because they didn't put red LED's in the ring. It's the best they can do to try to remove themselves from the RRoD plight. It's still going to happen, but it won't be the dreaded RRoD. It will be the dreaded "Red Blinking power button light of death or RBPBLoD"
It is a budget TV. And it is a store brand. If you like the picture there is no reason not to get it. (I worked as a buyer for hhGregg) and that is the important part. The only thing that makes lower brands different from name brands is service. IF something was to happen, it's harder to get parts for them.
yeah, I noticed that button didn't work. Just clean it up a lil... (Spell check) and it'll look nice. And you can continue telling me that you are wrong.lol
How many ways do you want me to point out how inaccurate a representation that is? 1) What temp you heatgunning that board? 2) 10 seconds on, 20 seconds off. Repeat for 4 minutes 3) Bottom heat 4) Low temp oven bake to unflex the board. 5) Don't move the heatgun around, you'll make the board itself bubble. 6) Nice board! Yeah, I still have no idea what that grey cement/glue is on it. At least you got lucky enough that I'm the one that cut my fingers to shit trying to pry it off. The heatsink was actually glued on with that junk.
No, you cannot JTAG anything past 7371. That's the cutoff. Also, you can't have a blade dash and 8498. As Peaches said 7357 was the NXE update. People keep trying to speculate that post 7371 will become JTAGable, but it won't. The hole has been closed.