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Lethal Nun

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Everything posted by Lethal Nun

  1. Urgh this happened to me too. Exept the fact I had a backup.
  2. I'm sorry. That sucks alot of ass.
  3. This is cool, nice tool
  4. Epic Picture
  5. $20,954.90 holy **** but i think I did double computers for the hell of it
  6. Lethal Nun


    I personally like Linux better than Windows because of all the abilitys, plus you can make your format whatever the **** you want and its just easier to use it seems to me.
  7. yay quinn i need to know if your buying it or not
  8. Maybe lowered 5 bucks jake lol
  9. Thats cool its legit guys I personally know him and he wouldn't lie.
  10. Now you have a comment
  11. Your changing it to plexiglass? that might be cool I still want to cut mine friday though
  12. Haha you do the Kink sign I'll do Fit or Redline
  13. Ok, you need an ethernet cable connection, and what you do is go into the game and rent as many houses as possible. Then save, go to the dashboard and disconnect. Then you go to your time and go to the next and do so and so years. Then what you do its go to your system settings go to your updates and remove all updates. Start up the game and you will have LOTS OF MONEY then plug in the ethernet, play and there you go. Do it as much as you want and enjoy!
  14. Try to delete updates and it might work
  15. Haha,copy and pasting? Sounds fun
  16. Thanks alot I was wondering what was that christmas color problem
  17. Yea I want that, but it dosen't come out till march
  18. Glitching works alot easier if you want to delete updates
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