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Everything posted by tylerdudeman

  1. no one cares dude. go to another forum and talk nonsense. its way off my subject.
  2. What does that even mean?
  3. anyone whos not a member can email me at tylerdudeman@hotmail.com
  4. no i just want to know what its worth because i want to sell it. i have no use for it and am not interested in harry potter. where is the forum at?
  5. How much do you think this is worth? it has all three signatures of the harry potter actors on it, framed, and certificate of authentication. signed in 2004.
  6. Lol i thought it was hilarious. had me worried for a second tho
  7. thank you for correcting me *Gnarly
  8. ok so no need to worry just daisy chain the 2nd wireless router from the original right?
  9. so i cant have both of them wireless routers?
  10. heres the dealio is there a way to have a wireless router (A)..........then another wirless router (B) hooked up together. for example the main wirless router is security enabled and is in one room......then run a ethernet cord from one of the ports to the second router outside to my garage.. and if so is it possible to have them both broadcast the same sygnal and both be security enabled thank you!!!!
  11. Do you mod halo 2 by any chance?
  12. i use xlink kia
  13. so you cant make them run up the stairs or whatever and stop? whys that?
  14. tylerdudeman

    Flood City

    hey man can you send me the link to the patch please?
  15. tylerdudeman

    Zombie Turf

    Except can you fix the link?
  16. tylerdudeman

    Zombie Turf

    Sweet dude! this is exactly what i wanted to make. il give it a try.
  17. http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/halo-2-mod-downloads/65532-halo-2-remapped-ai-revision.html Halo 2 AI map revision is a good fun one. and theres also the multilayer campaign which can have up to 16 players on halo 2. (down below link) http://forums.remnantmods.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=629&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
  18. alrighty i need someone to mod a map for me. i want it to be like left for dead zombie survival style to lol. i have everything that i want placed where i want but for some reason i CANNOT get the AI to get on the map. the map is on headlong. i will attach a sppf file so you can go off of it. I would like to have these three zombie AI Characters- the human zombies...the elite zombies...and the flood with flood carriers zombies lol. I want the TEN Human Zombies spawn at X -15.65339 Y-9.907075 Z 11.54377 and to run down the stares when they spawn. I want TWO Flood Carriers to spawn at X 24.55712 Y -1.176293 Z 8.686094 and to run around the corner when they spawn. I want TEN Elite Zombies to spawn at X -14.51291 Y -7.774292 Z 6.178949 and for them to run UP the stairs. You can kinda tell where the players will spawn at to. The AI have to re spawn once killed. I dont want any of the zombies to have any weapons. i just want them hit you. I will attach pictures to help you. Oh and i will defiantly give this out to anyone who wants it. Thank you very much to whoever does this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will give them credit... headlong.ppf
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