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o HazZe x

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Everything posted by o HazZe x

  1. This is a simple glitch used to acquire all the perks at a low level. It works about 75% of the time, If not, try again when you reach another perk level (Look below for details.) Requirements: * Must be in between levels for unlocking a perk. Ex: Level 16, and 17, Unlocking Scrambler at 17. * Wired connection, Wireless won't work. Steps: For this tutorial, I will be using the Scrambler perk as an example here. * Step 1: Be a level 16, and almost rank up before you enter any game. * Step 2: Search for any game, and once you find one, rank up in it to unlock Scrambler. * Step 3: Once you've ranked up in the game wait until the game is over. * Step 4: When the scores show up on your screen and after the game is over, and you are back in the lobby ( DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTONS ) and quickly unplug your ethernet cable. * Step 5: Then reconnect it, and connect to Xbox Live. Every perk after Scrambler is now unlocked. From:http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/modern-warfare-2-glitches/168310-unlock-all-perks-earlier.html Fro
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