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Everything posted by manbearpig

  1. has not set their status
  2. has not set their status
  3. has not set their status
  4. has not set their status
  5. has not set their status
  6. has not set their status
  7. has not set their status
  8. WillowTree is a save editor for Borderlands. It will fully decompile/recompile the entire save, allowing you quickly manipulate saves in ways that would normally take a ridiculous amount of time. WillowTree works on all platforms. 360, PS3, and PC saves can be read/edited. Update v1.1.0: - New organized decompiling process. - Added an editor for the multiple parts of the save. It can quickly edit weapons, items, quests, player info, character colors, name, skills, locations, and invintory info. - Added weapon and item importing/exporting from files or from the clipboard. - Built-in parts swapper. - Number of bugs fixed. - PC support added. Update v1.0.1: - Fixes a few minor bugs. - Added PS3 save support. Created by XanderChaos WSG file format research by Turk645 & XanderChaos Virus Total: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/2df05de9145563771c261c2f04e248200a9d12e370cfd4cc66c0e85040280e6c-1259994505 Pictures: Download: WillowTree.exe
  9. there is campaign mods it just takes a little time on google
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